My Street Films Competition asks film makers to give us an insight into their area. The films can be selected through a large worldwide map where thumbnails sprout across it. Quite an interesting design that gives us the ability to spy on where the majority of film makers live. The competition is open to anyone of all ability. This allows an honest insight into the country – rather than a constant feed of Hovis Adverts.
Out of all the submissions world wide there has been ten selected to be screened at Open City Doc Fest in London – I’m very grateful that one of them is my own. Documentary film maker Marc Issacs is one of the members on the jury board. He is a good choice for the competition as his films also have a large emphases of the importance of space. Weither that is the confinement of a train carriage or The Lift. The locations used are on public grounds where his subjects are caught during their routine. This gives the viewer a taste of how multi-cultured Britain is without ever changing location. His work is stripped back and not sugar coated with technical jazz hands to distract. (Something i feel my entry is guilty of). His film Travellers even has a shot of my home town Costa Del Fife aka Inverkeithing as it passes the ship breakers yard – definitely not a set from a hovis advert.
My Street Films will be screened at Open City Docs Fest 21-24 June.
As a part of the ECA degree show, the process of the film was covered in a small handout made by Joe Caslin.