E-Learning Videography  Edinburgh

Aarol Films have produced top-notch e-learning videography that is not only easy to understand but resonate with the viewer.


Collaborating with subject area leads, Aarol Films can carefully craft video to cater to different learning styles, be included on your course and make complex topics simple and fun.

Advice from SWAP Students

Client: SWAP

Commissioned by SWAP, Aarol Films produced learning resources on how to develop academic skills up to a university level, with students from St Andrews University, University of Edinburgh, University of Dundee, Heriot-Watt University and Queen Margaret University.

LEAPs Academic Skills

Client: LEAPs

Aarol Films collaborated with LEAPS to produce e-learning resources for their Academic Skills course.  Streamed on LEAPS learning platform and taught on campus at the University of Edinburgh.

Math’s Week At Work

Client: School of Mathematics, University of Edinburgh

Aarol Films was commissioned to produce a 10 video educational resource series in association with Math’s Week Scotland, a Scottish government.

Licketyspit presents: Margaret and Magnus at the Museum

Client: National Museums Scotland

Aarol Films collaborated with National Museums Scotland and Licketyspit Theatre Group in quite an ambitious project. Live-streaming a theatrical tour from within the museum to primary school children watching at home to produce a learning resource establishing what is a museum.

Who are e-learning videos for?

Maybe you’re a teacher looking to make resources to support your course?

Your in the right place, Aarol Films have made learning accessible for children, school students and adult learners all through video for notable clients such as The University of Edinburgh, National Museums of Scotland, LEAPs and SWAP.

Where can e-learning videos be used?

E-learning videos can be screened in school classrooms for students to learn from or hosted on an e-learning platforms (such as Articulate Rise 360) where the videos can sit with interactive modules for students to complete and track progress.