The AOI exhibition at Sommerset House in London has finished. Above is myself and illustrator Joe Caslin at the award ceremony at the start of October. I take the form as the small curvy one.
Our Nations Sons won an award for Public Realm category and also gave me the chance to run through the fountains of Somerset House. I also liked the peanuts…

There was a prominent selection of Scottish illustrators that had been awarded. A particular favourite of mine was underneath a sheet of glass by a former lecturer who subsequently apologised for his time teaching me. A Showman’s Yard In The East-End by Mitch Miller appears to be the aftermath of a frantic obsessive research streak. A sheet of paper that could have easily fallen out from a crazed anthropologist’s notebook, An whose to say it hasn’t? The sheer volume of information jotted onto the paper is not only humorous but also works as a balance conveying Millers dedication to the families he observed; an aspect I admire from a documentary point of view. It was interesting to see how that extensive research could be translated into a different medium than from what I work in. Hail the dialectogram!

Overall it was good to be apart of the event and have the film included at such a venue. Those peanuts were also pretty pretty good! The illustrations have long vanished from Edinburgh but Caslin’s project still receives a great amount of feedback which has allowed him to continue with his projects. His work can be followed here.